AGU 2019

Results of Parker Solar Probe

AGU meeting 2019 presented many interesting observation from Parker Solar Probe (PSP). These observation are quite relavent for the CME propogation and solar wind studies. PSP data:

  • Switchbacks are present at the timescale of 25 mins in the spacecraft frame.
  • The switchbacks occurs from the interaction of fast and slow moving streams of plasma.
  • There is turbulence at the interface.
  • He-III is an indicator of the seed population from the active regions.
  • Power laws of the energy distribution in co-rotating interaction region (CIR) shows variety of power-laws. Occurance rates of low and high energy steams have -1 to -2.6 and -5 to -7 slopes respectively.
  • Stream Interaction Regions (SIR) and Solar Energetic Proton (SEP) results